Friday, September 6, 2013

9/6/2013 Basics of Broadcast Journalism

Define “Broadcast Journalism” in 1-3 sentences. 

The telling of current events that are newsworthy through television, radio, or the internet

List and describe the six criteria of newsworthiness. 


1. Proximity- how close you are to the event- daily weather

2. Timeliness- how recent the event is- weather or sports

3. Unusualness-something that doesn't happen every day- State Fair

4. Prominence- level of fame- famous people and celebrities

5. Significance- how many people are impacted by the event- war, natural disasters

6. Human Interest Story- feel good story- baby animals at the zoo, cancer survivor

What are the differences between print journalism and broadcast journalism?
1. Print goes into much more detail

2. Broadcast journalism is much more current, easier to change and correct

3. Print gives you the freedom to choose your news: when to read, what to read

How is the Internet impacting broadcast journalism?

More news is spreading to more places faster. People are free to choose what they want to see as news. Internet news can be instantaneous. 

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